Styled components and props - a rule of thumb

18 May 2020

A while ago, I wrote about an improvement to using props in styled-components. The TLDR; is "Avoid overusing props in styles and instead use proper DOM and ARIA states". I think this advice extends to all CSS-in-JS solutions. However, there are still cases where using props is unavoidable so I've landed on this rule-of-thumb:

Making CSS properties dynamic makes sense where some components need sensible default styles, but can be overriden based on context and usage. DOM properties and HTML attributes are typically used to store the current document state, and not using those values in dynamic styles yields improved performance, accessibility, and semantics.

const MyButton = styled.button`
background: lightgrey;
${({ width = 'auto' }) => `width: ${width};`}
:disabled {
opacity: 0.6;
&[aria-pressed] {
background: darkgrey;

The code above shows how width is a prop available to a consumer of the button to provide a value if needed, and uses the disabled property and the aria-pressed attribute in a static way. This strikes a good balance that I think will make your styled-component styles much better.